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Hörby Bruk and the Community

Hörby Bruk is a significant player in its local environment and actively engages with the community. We contribute to a sustainable and inclusive society, including collaboration with schools and educational institutions—a commitment that is fundamental to us. Every year, we welcome schoolchildren, youth, and students who, in various ways, gain insight into our operations and develop an understanding of the manufacturing industry. As proud ambassadors of Hörby Bruk, we aim to spark curiosity about craftsmanship, sustainability, and quality products.

Our Goals
  • Hörby Bruk aims to host a minimum of 8 internships (prao) students annually from the primary schools in Hörby municipality.

  • At least twice a year, Hörby Bruk will offer visits for individuals in Hörby municipality who are distanced from the labor market to showcase how a workplace looks and functions.

  • Hörby Bruk will actively promote children´s physical activity and outdoor play by annually supporting at least 10 local associations that encourage children to engage in physical activities.
  • As part of our social responsibility, we welcome internship (prao) and workplace training (APL) students, providing them with the opportunity to prepare for the future by teaching them new skills, showcasing various professions, and illustrating how a workplace operates. It is also an opportunity for us to showcase the company and present the brand to the next generation. By establishing an early relationship, we aim to secure future skills supply so that we can continue to have employees with the right expertise. "Today´s internship students, tomorrow´s employees."

  • By being a proud sponsor of our local sports associations, we feel that we are making a powerful investment in our community. Sports associations provide young people with the opportunity to develop skills, leadership, and a healthy lifestyle. Through our sponsorships, they have had the opportunity to participate in events such as the Gothia Cup, start a new football team, conduct training camps, competitions, and much more.

  • Hörby Bruk is also passionate about entrepreneurship. Through a successful business environment, we lay the foundation for prosperity and welfare. Hörby Bruk is a collaborative partner with NyföretagarCentrum Öresund, where individuals planning to start businesses can receive free advice.

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