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Respect for Human Rights

Hörby Bruk produces the majority of its products on-site in Hörby. Products that cannot be manufactured in Hörby, such as plastic play equipment, pneumatic rubber wheels, and items labeled as Basic Line, are sourced from China and Taiwan.

We take responsibility for our supply chain and set requirements with regular follow-ups. We are committed to ensuring that all our suppliers, regardless of their location, adhere to Hörby Bruk''s code of conduct and ensure that production aligns with internationally recognized standards for human rights, working conditions, environment, and anti-corruption. Our quality and environmental policy provides an overview of our quality and environmental management system.

Our Goals
  • Actively reduce dependency on China to have better control over the value chain by annually bringing back components and products manufactured in China.

  • The Code of Conduct should be a living document and be revised every two years, starting in 2024.
  • For many years, Hörby Bruk has collaborated with a third-party company that regularly visits and monitors our suppliers in China. The Code of Conduct is discussed and signed. Our Code of Conduct is based on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Revision nr: 2 (30th January 2021), The International Labor Organization''''s (ILO) eight Core Conventions (nr.138, 182, 29, 105, 11, 100, 89, 98), The ILO Occupational Health and Safety Convention (nr. 155), and EU product-safety legislation. This is linked to Agenda 2030, goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth.

  • Hörby Bruk works long-term with all suppliers, especially those in China. It is important for us to have close cooperation with Chinese companies. The selection of suppliers is done carefully, and a requirement is that they already have significant and well-established customers in Europe. Personnel from Hörby Bruk visit the major suppliers annually.

  • About 10 years ago, puncture-free wheels (Flex Lite) were introduced as an alternative to pneumatic wheels on our products. Today, more than half of our warehouse carts are sold with these wheels. Flex Lite wheels are manufactured in England, while pneumatic wheels are produced in China. In the future, puncture-free wheels will be implemented on all wheelbarrows intended for gardening.

  • For several years, Hörby Bruk has been running a project called Exit China. We have actively begun the relocation of components and products back to Hörby Bruk or to another local supplier. This gives us better control over product quality but also a completely different understanding of the value chain.

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